..it's not hard to fall, when you float like a cannonball..

i want to go overseas.

i want to see the world.

i want to experience everything our Lord has made.

i want to travel.

i want to see new things.

i want to meet new and interesting people.

i want to do things i'll never forget.

i want to make memories so wonderful that the note of one song or the glimpse of one photo or the sniff of one scent take me right back to that irreplaceable moment.

i want the world to be my oyster.

i want to swim in every ocean.

i want to climb every mountain.

i want to sit in every forest and breathe.

i want to gasp at every tall city.

i want to fall asleep to the sound of rain every night.

i want to meet someone from every single culture and country, and talk to them.

i want to rest in the bungalows, roam every resort, relax on every ship deck, recuperate in every snowy little town.

i want to pack up my bags and take them places dreams are made of.

i want to live out of a suitcase, backpack or bag.

i want to curl up with a pillow on every long distance train while it passes through the countryside quietly in the night.

i want to be by myself, with one person, with a few friends and everyone all at the same time.

i want to photograph every interesting thing i see.

i want to ride every rollercoaster.

i want to fish in every lake.

i want to eat the worlds best foods.

i want to get dirty while watching an elephant tend to it's baby in the shade of a tree.

i want to see every rock band, in every venue, in every corner of the room.

i want to give everything i have to the poor people on the street.

i want salvation for every person ever who have and will exist.

i want to sleep in every day and stay up every night.

i want to throw away my phone and call everyone i know.

i want to be the best i can in everything i do.

i want to be free.

but despite all of this:

i want a family.

i want to have a house in the suburbs, city, country, outback, hills, valleys or on an island.

i want to raise some kids.

i want a good income.

i want to sit and do nothing.

i want to study interesting thing.

i want to make some place my home.

i want to settle down somewhere.

i want to be able to afford everything i need.

i want to run a successful and ethical business.

i want to work for myself and i want to work for someone else.

i want to buy the best things for my future children so they are happy.

i want to teach them to be responsible.

i want to have a loving wife who treats me well, but is tough and keeps me in line.

i want to be safe and secure.

i want to go through with all of these things, but i don't know how.

no time for sitting around

well, i've worked out this week is gonna be very busy:

do some mixing
pick up Damien Rice tickets
see big ships in Sydney Harbour

go to o-week stuff with esther
do more mixing
do more maths
start physics

more maths
more mixing
more physics
see Damien Rice at night

make sure maths is finished and mail it off
hopefully have finished mixing by now
hopefully would have understood and done at least one physics question

oh dear...

you act as if you just don't care, you look as if you're going somewhere...

ok, so there is nobody online right now, just me, my computer, and everyone else having a life or something.

ok, checked my emails, myspace, forums, comics, news, weather, bank balance... what is left to do?

there's nothing on tv (well, i WAS going to watch the Bourne Identity but forgot it was on) for awhile till JTV is on, but i've already gone and sneak peaked a look at tonight's Hack which looks to be the only part that interests me on tonights show. those young liberals sure annoy me a lot. matter of fact, all liberals annoy me. if you're from overseas and reading this (i doubt it as this is the first day) the australian liberal party is the 'right' party, and the australian labor party is the 'left'. weird huh.

right now i'm just sitting here listening to 'The Police' and imagining what they'll be like when i see them play live. it'll be great, even though large scale concerts have been ruined for me for the rest of my life. i'll feel like i'm being ripped off, after paying $90 to sit in the back row, but i guess it's not often i want to see bands at large concerts. it'll be weird being herded into the stalls instead of just walking around wherever i want like i usually do. bizzare.

i got my wisdom teeth out last week (7th feb) and all day today the stitches have decided to come out. it's VERY gross. i've never had stitches of any kind before, so having some and having them in my mouth is kinda grossing me out. i feel sick every time a new bit comes out or i accidentally swallow some. yuck!
the good thing about it all is that it means i'm getting better. i can't wait to eat things like hamburgers again, where you just bite in and eat, rather than cut it all up small and chew with your front few teeth for an ice age or two.

i've gotta get a life, but instead i got a blog.

all stitched up

well, today i didn't do very much. basically i went to the newsagent and bought exercise books for uni.

i've got to get stuck in to doing this work. i've already failed it once, and i'm extreemly afraid i'll fail it horribly again. this time i've got some textbooks from esther i'll hopefully use and get knowledge from, and maybe i'll start my physics stuff a bit earlier this go around!

who knows.

stuck in the blog

hey, i made a blog

lets see if i post in it much......