Workers Wage

Reading my last update is kinda funny. There's me talking about how I don't need to go back to JMC ever again and I had to find a job etc. Well, plans have changed!

In the end, I'm back at JMC and I didn't need to look for a job. Why?

24 hours after posting that entry I got a message over Facebook asking if I wanted to work at JMC as a Studio Assistant! Of course I said yes and now I have a regular job there in the studios teaching kids how to record things as well as do any repairs and maintenance. I get to play with all the sweet gear they have as well. It's only 3 days a week at the moment but it's a great start to my career.

So yeah, champion!

Apart from that, not too much has happened. It looks like I won't be going down to Melbourne for Joel and Lisel's housewarming as I have the 4pm-midnight shift on Fridays and 8am-4pm shift on Monday, not leaving much time to go flying around the country on weekends.

Jobs are fun :)

Snap Happy

As usual, I'm posting on here real late at night. I should probably not do these things and try and sleep, but oh well!

So college is over. I got that presentation done and everything handed in, so I never have to go back to JMC again. Which is kinda sad I reckon because I liked going there and getting to use all the sweet gear and being able to pick the brains of my tutors and lecturers and things.

Time to move on! Easier said than done, but hey, life is like that.

I'm spending the next few weeks making up a portfolio of recordings and such, hopefully it'll be enough to get me a job somewhere. Whenever it is I get around to making a resume, I think on paper I can make myself look pretty awesome thanks to all the live sound and stagehand stuff I've done, so I'm not worried about that.

Oh yeah, as I'm now free of college, invite me out places! I can go! Woo! This week I'm going to head over to Hugh's place to play Super Smash Brothers on his Wii, so that'll be awesome times.

Oh yeah, I have this camera:

I have recently discovered that using it is pretty fun, so if you see me carrying a camera around a lot in the near future, that'll probably be it.

I was going to type a whole lot more, but I was distracted just now by all the mess in my room. There is now a large pile of rubbish and recycling in the corner of my room. I feel liberated.