Reading my last update is kinda funny. There's me talking about how I don't need to go back to JMC ever again and I had to find a job etc. Well, plans have changed!
In the end, I'm back at JMC and I didn't need to look for a job. Why?
24 hours after posting that entry I got a message over Facebook asking if I wanted to work at JMC as a Studio Assistant! Of course I said yes and now I have a regular job there in the studios teaching kids how to record things as well as do any repairs and maintenance. I get to play with all the sweet gear they have as well. It's only 3 days a week at the moment but it's a great start to my career.
So yeah, champion!
Apart from that, not too much has happened. It looks like I won't be going down to Melbourne for Joel and Lisel's housewarming as I have the 4pm-midnight shift on Fridays and 8am-4pm shift on Monday, not leaving much time to go flying around the country on weekends.
Jobs are fun :)
29 July 2008 at 5:21 pm
oh i didn't know you were planning on coming down for that. oh poo, it would have been good!
Congratulations on the job though, sounds sweet!
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