Anzac Day

so today is anzac day

it's a day or rememberance for those aussie/nz people who've lost their lives in war

many ex-soldiers and family members will participate in services and marches all over the country.

it's a time for saying 'look how bad wars are, lets not do this again'

john howard will be on tv tonight during the news talking about how anzac day is a 'sad day' and something that 'all australians will be touched by' or something to that effect.

meanwhile, john howard ups australian military funding and sends more troops to iraq......

so i'm back

well, what have i been doing?

i was in Armidale for awhile on a Uni Residential School. i think i might even pass this time! yay!

i'm home now, and pretty happy about that.

i'm a bit annoyed there is no milk. it's been a week since i had a drink of milk. i'm craving it so bad.

oh, and here are some photos i just took:

so the story is i found a fisheye lens in amongst an old analog video camera who's batteries are stuffed! yay!

it doesn't hook directly onto the camera, so you need to hold it in front of the camera while you take the photo, but it still works pretty awesomely!

this it for now. i should update this more with interesting things


well, the answer is no, i can't

anyway, just letting you all know what i'm up to/have been doing/discovered and blah.

i've been procrastinating from Uni work as per usual. Simultaneous Equations were never my strong point. I've got to hand it in tomorrow. Boo.

Last week i saw Dropkick Murphy's play at the UNSW Roundhouse. They played really well, but i suck because i forgot my earplugs and the ringing is only just going away. so bad for my ears. yuck. i was a bit disappointed with their lead singer, he kinda just stood there. one of their guitarists jumped off the stage and into the pit, so he earned my highest respects. esther made it onstage at the end and got to dance around so she was pretty darn happy about that. there were a LOT of songs they didn't play which was kinda dissappointing, but considering the amount of songs they're written it was bound to happen.

this saturday i'm seeing Flogging Molly and Gogol Bordello play in their double headline show. with esther's love for Flogging Molly and my joy about seeing Gogol Bordello, we're going to be going nuts.

Uni work has been pretty hard. i've been learning and understanding more than the first time around, but i'm not too confident about it all. we'll see what happens, cause i'm trying as hard as i can to pass. if i fail, i'm going to try and go back to JMC, but i don't want to fail as i haven't talked to them about it and it's not 100% certain that i will be able to go back (even though i don't know why they wouldn't let me). also, i really don't want to miss out on fridays and saturdays for almost 1 year.

music i've been listening to a lot lately:
Beastie Boys hardcore days (before they turned hip hop)
Billy Bragg - Back To Basics

discovered recently:
Bullet Treatment (feat lead singer of the bronx)

i discovered today that Tim Armstrong's new solo album 'A Poets Life' is now going to be released as a CD, rather than released online for free. this sounds bad, but once you learn it's going to be only $19 and come with a DVD that will have a video clip for EACH SONG then you realise it's not all that bad after all!

have a look at his new video "Into Action":

on thursday it looks as though esther and i will get to go to the movies for the first time in ages. i've got to see more movies this year than last. i think i only saw 18 movies last year. gotta beat that. we're going to go see Hot Fuzz. it looks pretty funny. i'm just hoping that other people in the cinema don't suck. if you have hot food, sit next to us or smell, seriously go home and don't bother watching the movie. hire it out once it's on DVD or something. just don't bother me.

i like to go to the movies in the middle of the day during the week. the cinema is practially empty and i get the whole row to myself. it also means i can concentrate on the movie (cause i usually see doco's) and not have to worry about people eating hungry jacks and talking about something other than the movie, if at all.

my guitar playing is getting better, but only slightly. i'm no good at it, but it's way fun. i'm very determined to be good. i've been listening to a lot of hardcore lately (minor threat, sick of it all, early beastie boys, suicide machines etc) and i'd love to be able to play/write/record songs. it gets me going, you know?

oh yeah, new Aggrolites album in june. so friggin excited.

also, how much does it suck trying to be romantic?
i'm no good at thinking of ideas for anything. it was ether's 21st the other week, but we've both been either sick or busy so i haven't had time to take her out somewhere and trying to decide what to do is driving me insane. i know she's gonna read this, but oh well. i'll find something!

i wish i has something of substance to tell you all, but alas i don't.

Instead, have some dodgy video clips