Webcam fun!

i bought a webcam today. esther is going overseas and her computer has a webcam in it, so i got one so we could talk over skype/msn/whatever. it only takes tiny photos, but thats ok cause it was the cheapest one i could find.

it's has some weird effects for the pictures. some are below.

here is me in flowers:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

tickling a monkey in the jungle:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

on your tv, reading your news:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

on your computer, hacking your interwebz:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

no! don't kill me!
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

the paper says it so it must be true:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

bbrrrr, so cold!
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

anyone for a kiss? mwah!
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

EDIT: after taking those photos i found the "change resolution" setting, so i can make bigger photos :)

News Of The World

duuuuuuudes, whats up?

well, since i last posted, i'm back at JMC Academy and LOVING it. compared to doing maths and physics, it is BLISS. so good being able to mix songs and just play with freaking sweet equipment.

bad thing? i've got a billion assignments to do.

mondays i have 'history of recording'. for that subject i need to make a 10 min DVD about an audio engineer, including pictures, video, audio and narraton! also have an essay to hand in for that.

thursdays i have 'live sound' (dead easy subject) where we are given some briefs (no NOT underpants) and need to make up the P.A. requirements for it, including manpower and costings. it's gonna be pretty complicated.

fridays i have 'audio aesthetics' where we discuss things such as aesthetics, philosophy and alternative audio. the philosophy stuff is great fun (we discussed 'what is good music?' this week) but we need to listen to all these highly pretentious audio clips. next week i think we're listening to a recording a guy made called "silence". reminds me of dudes that paint a canvas white and sell it for billions of dollars. argh.
anyway, for this subject, each week we need to take a recording device called a Zoom H4 and go out into the world, recording sounds along with that weeks theme, then make them into a 'soundscape'. interesting, but also boring. like i said, pretentious.
that subject needs an essay too.

for my prac class, we need to record 3 songs (each of a different style) and then take 10 mins of a movie and redo all the sound for it in 5.1 surround sound! crazy!

lots of work to do!

this week i got to do sound at The Gaelic Theatre and the in house guy (who also happens to be my 'live sound' teacher at college was really impressed with my work. hopefully i'll be doing a lot more work for him!

here's something really cool. we got a rabbit today!

dad went outside to get the newspaper this morning and there it was, so we got it and put in our bird aviary. funny thing is the last bird we had in the aviary died today and now we have a new rabbit to replace it. highly cool.
i've named it 'Warren' :)

it'a bit spooked (it was in the gutter outside, so i think the cars scared it) bit it's starting to warm to us.

click here
also click here

so yeah, things are a bit hectic right now for me, but also fun. lets hope they stay that way!

check it out: