first, this blog is dedicated to mark collins. he doesn't have to read these but read's half and gives up.
okay, today i'm grumpy.
so i wanna change what i'm doing at JMC from the hard stuff to the easy stuff. i was told over the phone "yeah, just come and fill in the forms". i went in there on thursday keen to fill out some forms and be on my way.
the people were then like "yeah, we're not sure if you can do that" and got some woman who's the manager of the place to come out and talk to me about it. they ended up giving me the forms and taking my phone number and saying they'd call me back.
today they finally rang me back. they said "well, we've got new gear that you haven't used and we don't want to put you through without using that gear". at first you might think "yeah, sounds fair enough", when when you realise that in 3rd year you don't actually touch any of the gear and i've already got my advanced diploma saying "yes you passed 2nd year so now you can do 3rd year" it's really crap. now i have to go in on friday to have an interview with them all. i'm going to take my advanced diploma with me, and also point out that some students would have gone though without using the new gear too.
oh yeah, they want me to take 'private tuition' to have time using the new gear. i think they just want more of my money.
why does this have to be so much trouble! i can do sound stuff, just give me a smegging degree already!
and whats this rubbish about Thomas The Tank Engine i've been hearing?
turns out in america (their attention spans SUCK) they had to add this bit on the end of each show where these people live in a jukebox and play songs! i've bee trying to find a clip of this abomination all afternoon.
to all those people who i owe cd's/dvd's to, i'll mail them out asap.
i bought tickets to see this at the Sydney Film Festival today:
i'm amazingly excited, though i think they gave me bad seats.
i've finally got some work this week. tomorrow and thursday. i'm VERY happy about that. bad thing? my rego is due, which means: rego, car inspection and 3rd party insurance. all this while i'm meant to be saving for a holiday! i can't win!
get another job people would say, but i'm trying to hold off until i get this JMC stuff sorted out. also, if you can think of good ideas for a job that pays ok and after 6 months if i quit it's not big deal? i don't care how boring it is anymore, i just need a job.
in summary, i'm not having a good day, and welcome to my blog for anyone that read this for the first time. it' not very interesting i know.
massive edit:
ok, thanks to info from Mike, i've tracked down the american version of Thomas The Tank Engine.
be prepared and make sure you're sitting down, cause you're about to see some of the worst television ever made, and you'll be screaming for the original british version again.
and here's a clip with those guys in the jukebox i heard about:
way to ruin my childhood memories America. this time you've gone too far.
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