Radio Radio

The fun and exciting times of Owen, back again for your internet boredom breaking interests!

Last week I got to hang out with Dan Jones on his radio show over at 2SSR. While I didn't do too much in the way of talking, I did get to play a few tunes and had an enjoyable time playing with all the old equipment the station has (gotta love community radio, ha). If you'd like to hear ramblings instead of reading some head on over to and have a listen. Unfortunately the music can't be put on the online podcast due to copyright issues, but you can hear me and Dan's mate Josh make jokes about Dan no problems. The song names are still there and there is a small sample of them there, so feel free to check them out of your own accord sometime.
Photos from the trip? Check them out here:

Dylan Moran was a great highlight of the past few weeks as well. He made me laugh so hard my stomach was hurting hours afterwards!

Remember in the last blog I mentioned that I went to Steamfest with Dad? Well I made a video of it! Have a look at it here:

That's it for the moment.